Welcome to Daydream Satchel where writers share lessons and flights of fancy (mostly the latter).
Daydream Satchel is an interview blog. Writers are asked questions that are (hopefully) interesting and a little bit different from typical interview
My name is Martyn Greenwood. I am a librarian by day and a writer by nightfall. Over the last few years, I have been meeting writers and learning about what it takes to be a successful writer. Without doubt, there is a huge amount of self-promotion required and this of course takes time away from writing (the fun part!). I thought I would try and do my bit to help spread the word about the writers I meet and make it as fun as possible for everyone involved.
The interviews are designed to be just the right length to enjoy with your favourite beverage (and optional snack).
If you would like to get in touch, please email daydreamsatchel @ gmail.com