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Richie Billing

This week's guest is someone I haven't met, but I have listened to him on many occasions. I discovered Richie Billing through his podcast, The Fantasy Writers' Toolshed . I started listening last year when I began looking for writing podcasts to inspire and entertain me. Most of my stories take place in real-world settings and I haven't read a huge amount of fantasy fiction, but I was interested to find out what fantasy authors might do differently. Richie is a very easy-going host who is positive about the craft. He gets excellent guests on his show and he asks them excellent questions. Even if you aren't curious about the specifics of fantasy writing, there are definitely interviews you will enjoy and get something out of. One in particular that I'm sure will be of interest to all writers is the one on body language with a former FBI agent . Richie Billing isn't only a podcaster, he is also a writer. He writes all kinds of stories, but mostly fantasy ficti

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